Beauty for a Purpose
Know A Dad? This Father's Day Ask Him To Take A Stand For Daughters Everywhere?

Know A Dad? This Father’s Day Ask Him To Take A Stand For Daughters Everywhere

When it comes down to it, Father’s Day is about expressing gratitude. It’s a chance to reach out to the paternal figure (or figures) in your life who helped you become the strong confident woman you are. Here on, we are also celebrating Father’s Day as an opportunity to empower daughters, everywhere.

You see, if we want to create a world in which more women are empowered, we need everyone’s support — Dad included. So this year, we are asking fathers who want the most for their daughters to sign our Father’s Day Pledge. It’s a way of saying that together, we can raise the bar for girls and women around the world who dream of equality — whether it’s in on a playing field or in a conference room.

If you share this wish — and think your father might, too — ask him to digitally sign our pledge. You can customize an e-card or post one of the images below to the social media platform of your choice to give him the nudge. An e-card is no substitute for a good old fashioned “I love you.” So, make sure to let him know he’s #1 when you see him or settle in for that Father’s Day FaceTime session Sunday, June 21.

The Beauty for a purpose Father’s Day Pledge

We believe in the best possible futures for our daughters.

A future where they don’t just feel equal to their brothers – they ARE equal.

A future where women are empowered to follow their dreams, and they enjoy the journey.

We are men, we are husbands, we are fathers, and we are brothers. We pledge to stand firm and stand together for all Daughters, everywhere.

I Pledge